Andy Reed’s One-Man-Show with chorus texts provided

The „British Boy“ presents fascinating and entertaining traditional songs and music. He accompanies his impressive vocals – from soothing warmth to shanty power – with guitar and accordion. Jigs, Reels, Polkas und Hornpipes that set the feet tapping and Barock and Beethoven also feature in his new programme.
Both witty and serious he comments with flair in English or German on the cultural and historical background to the songs and offers plenty of opportunity and support for the audience to join in.
„Imaginative, quick-witted and with a powerful eloquence and charm he commented in his own inimitable english manner… …through his choice of words, facial expressions, gestures and props, he also gave a great time to the 40 of the 80 present whose English is not so good. „ Folkcamps Germany e.V
See also press cuttings
Very British relates primarily to England though also partly to Scotland. The English are „specially English“ – language, social niceties, humour, music and their spelling is a wonder. Therefore the „Very British“ Show – Songs, Tunes, Entertainment is normally about 65% England, 30% Scotland, 5% unexpected
Although Ireland does not fall under the term „Very British“, irish songs and tunes can easily be included if desired.